The Beehive Gem Club was organized in April 1970 as a part of the Northwest Federation of Mineralogical Societies. In the mid-'70s the name was changed to Beehive Rock & Gem Club to better reflect the diverse interests of the members. Around the same time the membership voted to change over to the Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical Societies. This was so members who belonged to both Beehive Rock & Gem and Golden Spike Gem & Minerals (Northwest Federation) could place competitive display cases in rock shows of either federation.
The founders wanted to have a club that was basically oriented around taking field trips. Social activities center around the monthly meetings, gathering rocks together and fireside visiting in the evening on the trips. The January Winter Party, April Birthday Party and Auction bring us together when the weather does not allow for field trips. The August Potluck Picnic gives us an opportunity to compare notes from summer trips and talk of the fall trips.
More experienced members are always ready to help newer ones learn what to look for and what to do with the materials they find.
Half the fun for us is taking someone new out in the hills and helping them find pretty rocks or what will be pretty when they get them polished up.
The objectives of Beehive Rock and Gem Club is to stimulate interest in the collection of rocks, minerals, gem materials, and legal fossils. To discuss and impart our knowledge of the different phases of collecting, cutting, polishing and displaying them. Also to organize educational meetings, field trips and similar events while enjoying and protecting our natural resources.
The Beehive Rock and Gem Club subscribes to the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies Code of Ethics, and requires all members and guests to comply with that Code.
Club Officers
President: Debbie Larsen
Vice President: Mary Dean
Secretary: Alan Dean
Treasurer: Tom Larsen
Activity Committees & Chairpersons
Field Trip Leader: Darrell and Darlene McRoberts
Program Chair: Georgina Du Four
Door Prizes: Mary Dean
Hospitality: Mary Dean
Communications: Steve Smith
Membership: Tom Larsen
Publicity: TBD, Please let us know if you can help!
Buzzer editor: Laurie Fuller
Assistant Buzzer Editor: Debbie Larsen
Calling Coordinators: Linda Pilcher , Ken Bloom
Club Photographer: Darrell McRoberts
Club Historian: TBD, Please let us know if you can help!
Facebook Administrator: Craig Scott
Instagram Administrator: Tom Larsen
Beehive Web Page Administrator: Darlene McRoberts